Sexual Health Support

Read the NHS Guide to Sexual Health Services Here

Your GP

If you have concerns about your sexual health, you can talk to your GP. What services they can offer varies by area, but they will be able to signpost you to the correct service if they can't provide it themself.

If you are not yet registered with a GP in Southampton, it is a good idea to do so. On Highfield Campus there are 2 GP surgeries:

University Health Service

Location:  Building 48 on the west side of the Highfield campus between the Hansard Gallery (Building 50) & Physics & Astronomy (Building 46).

Phone:  (023) 8055 7531 



GP Registration:

Read their guide to contraception here.

Highfield Health

Location:  31 University Road, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1TL

Phone: 02380010048



GP Registration:

Sexual health support available: 

Solent NHS Trust Sexual Health Service

Phone: 8am to 8pm 7 days a week on 0300 300 2016


From the website:

Our specialist services include:

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) testing and treatment

Contraception (including injection, implant and coils)

Emergency contraception

Pregnancy testing

Unplanned pregnancy services (BPAS)

HIV testing, treatment and care

Under 25's Chlamydia testing and treatment

Psychosexual counselling (by GP referral only)

Vasectomy services Hampshire, Portsmouth & Southampton. (Isle of Wight vasectomy provided by MSI UK Reproductive Choices)

1 to 1 support

Our online services include:

Booking of appointments

STI self-sampling test for anyone aged 18 years and over

Chlamydia self-sampling test for anyone aged 16 to 24 years

Condoms by post

LGBT Foundation

Phone: 0345 3 30 30 30



The LGBT Foundation is a charity, whose sexual health section of their website has a lot of informative, non-judgemental guides to help you practice safer sex.

You can read their sex guides to anal, oral, and vaginal sex here.

No Limits

Location: 13 High Street, Southampton, SO14 2DF

Phone: 02380 224 224



No Limits is a charity that helps young people in Hampshire.

You can read about their sexual health, relationships, and sexuality support available here.

Specialist Sexual Health Clinic

From the website:

Every Thursday we run a free sexual health clinic where a specialist sexual health nurse offers sexual health advice as well as all forms of contraception, including; pills, injections and implants, screening for STIs, treatments for STIs, Condoms and Pregnancy testing.

This service is by appointment only. Appointments can be made by phoning 02380224224, by emailing or by speaking to a member of staff at the No Limits Advice Centre

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