We are a student-led group that welcomes anyone from any gender or sexual minority. Our aim is to provide an inclusive and safe space for LGBTQ+ students to socialise with one another, allowing them the freedom to discover and express who they are free from judgement, and to engage with activities and campaigns that matter to and make a difference in our community.
We aim to ensure that the highest level of discretion is maintained in order to protect our members who may be unable or unwilling to 'come out' or disclose information about their sexuality or gender. Our society is here for all LGBTQ+ people, no matter their background or personal circumstances!
Check out our Safe Space Policy that we expect all committee and society members to adhere to, and the rules of our online spaces to see how we keep our members safe.
As a student-led organisation, we are driven by the needs of our members and governed by a committee of annually elected student representatives. If you have any questions you can always contact any of our committee members, or if you need any advice our Welfare Officers are always around for a chat or to point you in the right direction.
Come as you are, and do what you love - you're very welcome here!
Hi! My name is Rowan. I'm a second year Civil Engineering student and your vice-president for this coming year. It's my aim to make sure everyone has a voice in the society, and to make sure our spaces are safe and welcoming. Please feel free to contact me on discord or via our society email: lgbt@soton.ac.uk
Hey, I'm Natalie! My aim is to make sure that meetings run as often as needed so everyone else can help make this a great society to be in.